Prominent Vessels
Visible blood vessels or broken veins often occur on the face, particularly on the nose, cheeks and chin. There are a number of causes including the ageing process, rosacea, and sun damage. We can effectively treat these enlarged vessels with our BBL system.
With the BBL, the enlarged blood vessels absorb the energy of the BBL light pulse, which heats them and results in a mild injury to their lining. This injury then stimulates the blood vessel to shrink to its normal size. We carefully select the correct wavelentgths and settings to maximize the amount of energy the blood vessels receive, while minimizing any absorption to the surrounding skin.
On the lower legs enlarged vessels can form as a result of increased pressure in the venous vessel system. While the BBL can be an effective option for finer "red" vessels on the legs, we generally treat lower limb vessels with sclerotherapy.
We are happy to help should you have any further questions.
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Mercy Care East
72 Newington Avenue
Dunedin 9010
P (03) 477 8686
F (03) 477 6868